Adults with Fair or Poor Health Status at HRSA Health Centers: Percentage of 16 Factors

  1. Share of total population: 41%
  2. Past smoker: 18%
  3. Current smoker: 33%
  4. Not physically active: 44%
  5. Unmet need for medical care: 14%
  6. Unmet need for dental care: 19%
  7. Unmet need for prescription medicine: 27%
  8. 5 or more doctor visits in past year: 58%
  9. 2 or more emergency department visits in past year: 41%
  10. Limited English proficiency: 18%
  11. Homeless or at risk of homelessness: 42%
  12. Unemployed: 15%
  13. Not in labor force: 57%
  14. Below 100% Federal poverty guidelines: 63%
  15. Uninsured: 27%
  16. Rural: 52%
Notes: From an article by Nadereh Pourat, Xiao Chen, Connie Lu, Weihao Zhou, Brionna Y. Hair, Joshua Bolton, and Alek Sripipatana, based on data from 5,024 health center adult patients representing 42 states.

Source: The Relative Contribution of Social Determinants of Health Among Health Resources and Services Administration-Funded Health Centers, Population Health Management, April 19, 2022 -